A state of being for a person who is beyond the realm of stupidity, usually in reference to someone with relationship problems and is going about the problems all wrong.
Jake was thinking about his girlfriend and how her constant stuplicity is strengthening their relationship where it should be hurting it
by Daniel Endres October 3, 2006
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(adj) To be stupid and complicated. Can be used to describe a person, animal, item etc
My boyfriend is so stuplicated.
That game was stuplicated.
by bitter oblivion March 24, 2006
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a stupid duplicate
Even tho it had already been done, they kept creating stuplicates!
by Homonymniac April 21, 2011
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Why did Sarah Palin stuplicate her comment about seeing Russia from her home in Alaska?
by Boss Brian May 1, 2009
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Copying/Duplicating other’s stupid behaviours. (Stupid+Duplicate)
Do not stuplicate Trump, Jim, he is a stupid person.
by Ferstron September 7, 2020
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