A word meaning "I hate you", used by clever eight-year-olds to say to grown-ups and not get caught.
Dad: Do your homework!

Boy: Stonce!

Dad: What does that mean?

Boy: *in childish tone* It means "I hate you"!

Dad: Don't say it anymore!
by Nate Ezekiel April 26, 2010
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stonc stands for: Sweet Talk Or No Clappy.
Used when your partner is mad at you or had an argument with you. Go into Stonc mode to win her back or else no clappy
Damn bitch really mad at me guess imma have to Stonc.”
by Proffesional Penis Inspector January 15, 2023
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A combination of the words stealth and nonce

When someone is sexually attracted to children but moves slowly and quietly to catch their prey trying not to act suspicious
Jim: I like that girl over there but I’m not sure how to go up to her I’m quite nervous

Jack: Mate she’s like 12 you’re acting like such a stonce by saying that
by masterofreality17 May 27, 2019
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