
To box body-to-body
yo...... lets spar
by Merzadunn June 3, 2003
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yo ma spar
by Anonymous August 18, 2003
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Evil supermarket chain secretly plotting to take over the world. Currently have hideouts in various locations all over Europe, America and Turkmenistan
Dude 1: "Fuck, i need a gun to shoot thet fuckface!"
Dude 2: "Don't worry, there's bound to be a Spar in the area."
by Blagz May 29, 2004
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To fence using one's tongue against another's tongue.
Jack and Nicci are missing... they're so in the middle of a sparring match.
by Draith March 30, 2005
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when 2 males bang their cocks onto one another forcing a battle in between the 2. whoever gives up first loses. (opposite of scissoring)
adam and nathan were sparring the other night at the soccer tournament...but i think the ending result was a tie
by DiegoD07 September 21, 2007
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24 hour shop for purchasing booze, fags to go with your draw and monster munch during a smoke up.
"Oi Clit, I'm going to the 24 hour Spar to get 10 fags"
by Nate January 21, 2004
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Synonym for 'fucking expensive'.
I mortgaged my house to shop at Spar and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
by moniz November 20, 2009
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