The act of several homeless men breaking into a car, and engaging in an orgy. After the said orgy one hobo is to leave a dead mouse in one of the used condoms as a "gift" for the cars owner.
Godammit! Dirty Mike and the Boys had another Soup Kitchen in my car!
by blue ass August 21, 2010
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When homeless people partake in sexual activity in a car.

Some times leaving behind items like new born babies and/or dead mice in used condoms.
Ryan: Why does it smell like alcohol and dirty pussy in here?

by illeppilifttam August 7, 2010
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When a group of 4 or more bums have an orgy in a vehicle.
Hey, you wanna join us? We're going to turn this white Ford Transit into a soup kitchen.

Hey are you the bums that turned my van into a soup kitchen?
by Kama Pseudo November 20, 2016
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brian: kevin you dumbass, you signed up for the wrong soup kitchen!
Keviin: i'll never look at cambells soup the same way.
by spoons mcgee wilson August 12, 2010
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A form of at lease four or more homeless individuals; pile in the backseat of a baby blue prius for a prolonged(2-3 hour orgy) until they become limb, soar, tired or just get bored
"Hey bro, today I was going to my car and I opened up the door of my backseat guess what I found yep a pretty nasty Soup Kitchen
by Dannofication April 29, 2011
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A bunch of homosexual homeless people having an orgy in a vehicle.
Those homeless people just had a soup kitchen in my prius
by Treyday June 2, 2011
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When a person gives out as many sexual favors as a soup kitchen gives out soup. Many favors to many different people.
Guy 1: Man, I see that girl making out with a new guy like every week. She must be so easy.

Guy 2: Yeah dude, she's a soup kitchen.
by Willy B. August 19, 2006
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