To be guilty of having had sexual intercourse with a person who is a friend of the person that you are dating, or hooking up with. Made most popular by pop star and Brandy Norwood's brother, RayJ.
by whatuphomie December 2, 2009
Ray J: danger smashed the homie!
Everyone else: aw man, rayj what you gone do man?
Ray J: ion knw i wanna eliminate that bitch
Everyone else: aw man, rayj what you gone do man?
Ray J: ion knw i wanna eliminate that bitch
by Bad'bitch January 24, 2010
"Danger, she smashed a homie"
by Kookie2010 June 10, 2009
In the reality show, "For the Love of Ray-J", one contestant competing for Ray-J's love, sleeps with one of his homies, hence the phrase smash a homie
by lil smasher March 6, 2010
Yooo I heard you and Rachel did it.
friend: She a slut yo, she smashed the homies. She did me, Ron, Day Day, and that dude we sit next to in class. She get around like 2Pac in the 90's
friend: She a slut yo, she smashed the homies. She did me, Ron, Day Day, and that dude we sit next to in class. She get around like 2Pac in the 90's
by Big-Liek March 4, 2010
james: so are you gonna get with debra?
todd: NO WAY! that girl smashed the homies
james: its cool man, i just got tested the other day and im still clean.
todd: NO WAY! that girl smashed the homies
james: its cool man, i just got tested the other day and im still clean.
by irreverentalsharptongue May 1, 2009
the act of letting people know that you are about to take a huge dump. also known as dropping the kids off at the pool,making a donation to the porcelain gods, and taking the browns to the superbowl
by homie smasher November 21, 2009