When you dick (fuck) a women so good that immediately after she falls asleep.
Tom: Yo how did it go with that girl last night

Sean: Great, I gave her sleepy dick
by Seanboi January 5, 2019
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Sleepy Dick Syndrome (SDS) is a medical condition caused by pinching of the specific nerves depriving blood to a man's genitals. Common sensations include numbness, tingling, and paranoia causing you to check if it is still attached to your body. Recommended treatments include slapping it, telling it to wake up (politely), tomato sauce, and jiggling it a little bit.
Man 1: Dude, stop checking your penis?

Man 2: Sorry man, I got some serious sleepy dick syndrome.
by Mevlin da Mage September 4, 2015
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when a guys penis makes the woman tired or drowsy during sexual intercourse
woman: yea i fucked him and i fell asleep idk know what happened

other woman: yea girl i heard about that he must have sleepy dick
by hanataniabbah May 3, 2023
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