Shit being tight refers to
1. proficiency and/or talent.
2. The outcome resulting from such proficiency or talent.
The term probably originated from boxing where close, tight punches are considered good form, whereas wild, open punches are poor form. If a fighter starts to swing wildly (throwing haymakers), his coach might yell out something like "Tighten up!" or "keep that shit tight!".
1. proficiency and/or talent.
2. The outcome resulting from such proficiency or talent.
The term probably originated from boxing where close, tight punches are considered good form, whereas wild, open punches are poor form. If a fighter starts to swing wildly (throwing haymakers), his coach might yell out something like "Tighten up!" or "keep that shit tight!".
1. "This guy knows what he's doing. His shit is tight"
2. "Wow! Did you see that? That shit was TIGHT!"
2. "Wow! Did you see that? That shit was TIGHT!"
by mathieud October 14, 2007
SHIT WIRED TIGHT: adjective/noun
The highest state of organization and readiness. Not too be confused with NOT having your shit wired tight, the opposite of having your shit wired tight.
The highest state of organization and readiness. Not too be confused with NOT having your shit wired tight, the opposite of having your shit wired tight.
#1 Big Jay Cliburn showed up at the island a day early with a carton of Winston cigarettes, 10 cases of light beer from Milwaukee's Best (iced down), eggs, bacon, a Mapp gas torch, and a .45; that guy has his SHIT WIRED TIGHT (SWT) unlike his son aka JUNIOR aka SIMBA aka Littles.
#2 de Roode and Stallings showed up with all of their gear at the boat dock on time with beer iced down, tenderloins marinating and fishing gear rigged.
#2 de Roode and Stallings showed up with all of their gear at the boat dock on time with beer iced down, tenderloins marinating and fishing gear rigged.
by Nick Duhe March 4, 2012
Shit packed tight and ready for travel: having ones mind, body and materials in a state of readiness.
When one's life is in order, one can truly say, "I've got my shit packed tight and ready for travel."
by TooSick4U August 18, 2006
When something is a crew of your closest homies partying the right way in New Orleans. A party where shitting in baskets is allowed and the boot is the only thing that can be drunk. Or as some say...extra tight.
by Joeybahk5000 February 5, 2018
When your man adjusts his junk before he puts on the tighty whiteys. It’s sexy as hell. I’m a big fan.
by Ewayne October 12, 2017