Walking insomnia with a caffeine addiction
Midoriya: Hey Shinzo how many hours did you sleep last night
Shinso: 3 Minutes…

Midoriya: ....
Shinso: ....ItS fInE YouR nOt eVeN THAT bLuRrY
by Just_a_bby_Rat April 14, 2020
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One cute lil' sleepy insomniac cinnamon roll
Shinso is one cute lil' sleepy insomniac cinnamon roll
by Bepbop Tom October 30, 2020
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cute lil' very sleepy insomniac cinnamon roll
Shinso is one cute lil' very sleepy insomniac cinnamon roll
by Bepbop Tom October 30, 2020
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shinso is basically almost related to a skunk. it is wut AI likes to call humans. a shinso is an animal that defecates and its defecation defecates so basically there is no human word to describe a shinso.
That Stephen Chu, what a shinso son of a biatch.
by Kevan Shivan April 25, 2005
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He is so fucking hot.
1: Who's Shinso Hitoshi?
1: 👁👄👁
by anxiousboi.mp4 October 9, 2020
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Roofies man, roofies man, does whatever roofies can. Purple hair, sure why not? Many fangirls find him hot.

Watch out, it's roofies man.
Shinso: Hey there
Person: Hi-
Person 2: Stop? Don't you know that if you answer to Hitoshi Shinso, he can instantly use his magic roofies on you?
by Stickyyy fingers October 6, 2019
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