A once in a lifetime friend. Always wanting to try new and daring things. Stubborn and loving at the same time. Knows how to pick someone up when they are down and can make anyone laugh. Loves causing shenanigans but is serious when moments call for it. Tough as nails but also has a soft spot.
by sakmoie September 8, 2011
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Short and chubby. Bit ugly. Thinks she’s cool but she’s just a loud mouth.
Stop being such a Shauni!
Why is Shauni so loud?
by Madbombaclaatgyal June 8, 2020
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Sassy as a duck! Petite in size but good things come in small packages. She loves with all her hearts but has a tendency to hate on Megans (she secretly loves them though). Hater of all things politics but loves the world around her! #hippyatheart #worldpeace
We all wanna be a Shauni!
by elephantenthusiast February 22, 2017
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A giant cunt with a loud mouth and the worst grammar and spelling known to ever exist. Frequently needs to be slapped back into line by her perfection of a best friend, and dreams of taking her hand in marriage. The only upside to Shauni is that she still has a tight vagina because she gave birth via c-section. Approach with CAUTION.
I wish someone would tell Shauni to shut the fuck up.
by cunty93 April 3, 2020
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A short but loving girl. May seem quiet at first, but when you get to know her she is a lot of fun to be with and always makes you feel warm inside when around her. She is very respectful to others but also expects it back. You won’t regret going that extra mile to know her a bit more.
“I was talking to shauni yesterday, she’s so funny” - Bob
“Oh, didn’t know she speaks” - Jon
by Abclookatme November 10, 2019
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Shauny is a very nice and shy girl but once you get to know her you won’t regret it
She’s fun to be around with and she’s also funny she cares so much about her friends

And doesn’t care what others think of her if you met a shauny or if you’re her bf/gf then
You’re very lucky to have a girl like her she takes naps everyday after school and loves food
She’ll probably do anything for food she also has nice and caring and funny friends that she hangs out
With everyday don’t give up on her or you’ll regret it.
“Shauny’s so nice
Ikr I wanna be her friend
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A girl who is incredibly interesting, if a little odd. And has breasts that would make Pamela Anderson jealous.
I've never seen anyone as interesting as Shaunie!
by Aaron Stones July 21, 2010
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