Average, uneventful, cheap sex. But hey-- even it it's not great pizza, pizza still hits the spot, you know?
"How was Steph last night?"
"Meh.Pizza sex."
by hofosho January 4, 2006
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Sex according to men.. "Sex is like pizza: Even if it is bad, it's good!"
| "When was the last time you got laid?" "Well, good sex? 2 years ago. Pizza sex? 2 weeks ago." |
by SecretlySexuallyTwisted September 19, 2010
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Eating copious amounts of pizza from any credible place with your partner then attempting to engage in sexual activity shortly after; often associated with low stamina, severe fatigue, high body temperature, a disgusting amount of sweat, shortness of breath, uncomfortable fullness, giving up half-way through sex, and the realization of how pointless it is to attempt having sex after destroying a fuck ton of pizza.
Girl: Babe, let's get pizza tonight!
Guy: Okay.
*couple proceeds to destroy 4 pizzas*

Guy: Babe, I'm so full, let's have sloppy pizza sex !
Girl: Let's see if we can finish this time.

*5 minutes into sex*
Guy: I give up.
Girl: It's okay, so do i.
by ch33kz April 7, 2015
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A pizza topped with sausage, meatballs, and chicken breast.
Let's order a sex pizza.
by Jeff from Amsterdam October 14, 2023
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A cheese pizza topped with sausage, meatballs, and chicken breast. Originated in Washington, DC.
"Hey, do you still have that coupon for an extra large pizza? Let's order a sex pizza."
by Jeff from Amsterdam September 12, 2023
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A cheese pizza topped with sausage, meatballs, and chicken breast. Originated in Washington, DC, United States of America.
"Hey, do you still have that coupon for an extra large pizza? Let's order a sex pizza."
by Jeff from Amsterdam September 12, 2023
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