Doing something dangerous and reckless. Doing something forbidden due to the potential danger in it.
by Kotlar Ben July 11, 2008
by rescuederek January 3, 2006
Living on the edge often with a little bit of a strange, quirky, humorous and spontaneous type personality but otherwise normal enough to blend in with most crowds.
by honestguy87110 April 30, 2010
A movie directed by Ryan Murphy, based on an autobiography written by Augusten Burrough. It tells the story of a young man growing up in a crazy family in the 70s.
by redcomrad February 15, 2007
A way to text some one that you are getting high or are high without actually saying so directly. You know you shouldnt do it but its so much fun when you do.
Stoner:"Duuuude, im totally running with scissors right now!"
Lame Friend:"Isnt that bad or illegal or something?"
Stoner:"Ya, something like that... but its fun so i do it anyway
Lame Friend:"Isnt that bad or illegal or something?"
Stoner:"Ya, something like that... but its fun so i do it anyway
by J ROCK x7 July 24, 2010