the state of being faded or completely stoned.
what are you doing tonight? nothing probably just going to the Renaissance Fair
by mcfly93 September 4, 2010
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Someone who has not adapted to the modern standards of being a douche. Typically old people that are totally douches. Not having the mental capacity to learn a new method of douching.
warren norton is a renaissance douche. he's my neighbor and he's a dick! (look him up!)
by Luke Cormier June 7, 2006
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a woman that proves and illustrates
1)to be gifted in 2 or more areas, poise, seduction
2)that she can remain calm and controlled in any situation ex. breaking a nail, having a split end
3)that she can happily be part of a group ex) blonde ambition
"oh gosh, ive put a big run in my panty hose. thats okay, it can be a new fashion statement"
"gee, you are a renaissance woman"
by niki b November 14, 2004
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similar to the renaissance man.

a man who is probably a ruthless sociopath/psychopath while at the same time being compassionate and elegant.

a beautiful monster.
damon salvatore, jared leto, criss angel etc
"what a hot renaissance bogeyman...*melts*"
by bellaswam April 18, 2012
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A day set aside to be nice to a friend who is feeling down, observed on the third Friday in October.

Etymology: derived from "Renaissance," a program in which students with good grades receive gifts from local merchants; + (French) "fry," because the event which inspired Renaissance Fryday took place at a McDonalds that gave free French fries to students in this program; + "day." "Fry" and "day" were combined into one word to resemble the word "Friday," since said event occurred on a Friday (10/15/1993).
Happy Renaissance Friday! I'm sorry your girlfriend just broke up with you. Let's go get some burgers.
by mathjedi May 14, 2005
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A Renaissance Man is when you are dipping ( preferably grizzly wintergeen) and purposly hold a shit for as long as you can, then proceed to unload in a fiends house, dorm bathroom, nursing home, charity event etc. you then proceed to remove the dip that you were chewing and throw it right on top without flushing.
Friend: hey bud, last night was pretty crazy...

You: yeah I left Mallory a Renaissance man last night but her mom found him

Friend: Very class my friend...
by techno viking 36 March 19, 2010
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This term is used to describe a following within the hip-hop community, that wants to dress just like Kanye West or like Fonsworth Bentley.
J.Crew Sales Executive #1: I can't figure out why we've exceeded projected revenue for the 4th and 1st quarters...

J.Crew Sales Executive #2: Are you kidding me? You haven't realized the impact that the Kanye-Fonsworth Renaissance has had on the entire industry? J.Crew is gangsta now!!!
by Draper May 30, 2004
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