rack city

Las Vegas. Rack city is a nickname for Las Vegas, NV
Rap Artist Tyga's song "Rack City" (2011)
by bylerb1 August 10, 2012
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rack city

best song of all time that involves a grandma on a d, 10s on titties, and girls with no asses wearing ponchos. A trully artful song that illustrates tyga's true proficiency in the english language. Rolling Stone said, of the song, "This modern day rap anthem to the the city of racks is 2011's version of Imagine or Born to Run. Tygas melodious voice, emphasizing the hundreds that he throws upon the racks of strippers while eloquently alluding to paint on cars, his own star power, the hazards of getting bapped, and his pride in not practicing celibacy, trully captures the voice of a generation." Known as a fantastic song with and outstanding music video.
Dude, I would love to live in Rack City. Noah, Sam, and Jed are the mayors, and I get to listen to Rack City all day!
by Mr. Rack City December 23, 2011
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Rack City

Another name for Las Vegas, popularized by Tyga in his song "Rack City." A rack is another name for money, usually in thousand dollar amounts (see "Racks").
Time to gamble and hit up the Strip and Crazy Horse III in Rack City!
by Suburbanite2012 December 6, 2011
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Rack City

A saying blurted out after a batter in slowpitch softball hits one off the rack aka the fence.
"Good measure, brah" - Base coach
"Rack City, bitch, rack rack city, bitch" - Batter
by Randy Manlove June 18, 2012
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Rack City Chick

That rack city chick be snatching those dollars while she is dancing on the pole.
by LBoogie4life March 15, 2012
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Rack City Bitch

Any of a variety of loose women with boobage in excess of a Double D. It is the exact opposite of a Titty Town Cunt.
Julie: "What the hell is a Rack City Bitch?"

Chris: "Oh its a twat with huge boobs, like that whore Deshawna"
by Rainbow Rev February 24, 2012
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