If you are here, there is a good chance you were so bored you decided to type out your entire keyboard forward and backwards. Congratulations, you officially have no life
Why did you type out qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq on Google man? How bored are you?
by julzzzzzjulzzzzzzzzzz May 16, 2018
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When you repeat every letter on the keyboard but you don't repeat the m
Friend: Hey do you want to play soccer
You: NO I WANT TO TYPE qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq
Friend: Are you stupid thats not how you even type it out.
by Bored Dumb person May 11, 2021
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A statement used in extreme boredom..
most commonly used while playing crappy online games.
*playing runescape* omfg!! qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq
by holycowsftw December 17, 2010
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qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq means fgzjrgwtyyuyuukrrkueyr
by gybeteruybguesinfuzues,rdme8zd February 24, 2022
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Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq is typing the keyboard backwards. If you type this you are extremely bored, depressed, procrastinating, or are all of the above. The definition of Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq is slang for I AM EXTREMELY BORED.
by Yasskween_81 April 7, 2020
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