Gay but NG+
Jarrod: I just beat queer!
Joseph: Hah that's nothing, Try queer+!

Jarrod: I just fucked your dad on queer+
Joseph: Whoa that's amazing!
by Jynx66sex March 9, 2021
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queer: Originally pejorative for gay, now being reclaimed by some gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered persons as a self-affirming umbrella term. Caution: still extremely offensive when used as an epithet.

by dijjn June 4, 2003
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Old English for strange, weird, and unusual.
She is a queer creature from how she acts.
His queer actions were not questioned nor explained.
by Jennifer loves Animals March 2, 2017
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Commonly used in poker, to refer to a hand that is one card short of a straight.
Man, my 5-6-7-9 is a straight-up queer.
by Steve Harris April 18, 2005
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Originally meant to describe something as unusual or strange. Became a deroggatory word to describe homosexuals. More recently, it has been reclaimed by non-heterosexuals as a word used to describe themselves. Queer can now be used to describe homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgendered people. In scholarly studies the word queer is also used to describe those who practice unconventional sex (e.g. bondage, etc.), therefore even heterosexuals can sometimes be defined as queer.
1. Your brother is a really queer guy.
2. I am a homosexual, part of the queer community.
by YourMom July 6, 2004
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A large umbrella word for all the LGBTQIA+ community.
They're queer.
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Originally used to define homosexuals. Now used loosely as an insult to something weird/stupid/fucked up
1.Dude, Elton John is flaming queer
2.This assignment is so queer
by Arielle February 7, 2005
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