quantavious is funny,cute,fun,loving,kind,and patient but he tries his best to keep his temper at some points he loves to go out with friends and talking to people he loves his girlfriend and his sister and will do anything for them hes smart and is talented and if you date him you might wanna stay with him because he will grow up to be something that everyone wished they would had regret dissing or leaving him
by june 10,2001 December 8, 2015
by Alisha170 December 19, 2016
i have a crush on Quantavious
by i love men with a passion October 5, 2022
The fine high class version of the inferior Quandale Dingle. Standing at a whopping 5 foot 4 with a 69 inch vertical he is also the greatest basketball player of all time.
by Quantavious Dinglebottems dad April 22, 2022
quandale dingle's 3rd cousin once removed. He is wanted for war crimes he allegedly committed in Northern Italy.
by i4jtrgmrkfnchjrmtnvnmtrjnvj September 29, 2022
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