You typed qwertyuiop\ while skipping every other letter.
I’m gonna type qetuo\ and see if they have it. I even skipped every other letter!
by how did you find this June 24, 2021
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When your just bored enough to hit every other key.
"13579-qetuo\adgjl'zcbm." Said the SAD
by Bluemanar88 December 12, 2019
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` to / but the 1 3 5 7 9 and so on is skipped like bruh go touch grass or do homework like the other qwertyuiop search series
bruh im bored
bored guy:`24680=qetuo\sfhk;zcbm. on urban dictionary
by some bored student November 14, 2022
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I was the first person to come up with this combination. So if your seeing this, go get a life. :)
I was really bored so I typed in: `24680=qetuo\adgjl'zcbm./,nvx;khfspiyrw-97531~@$^*)+QETUO{|ADGJL"ZCBM>?<NVX:KHFS}PIYRW_(&%#!
by Bobbitta February 10, 2022
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Wow. I didnt think anyone could get this far... I mean, I did. But still. Wow. 13579-qetuo\sfhkl'xvn,/.mbcz;khfsapiyrw=08642` is every letter on your keyboard. You skip ` and start from 1 and then type every other character fowards and backwards. I would say that you should just do your damn homework already, but I dont think you may have dropped out of school by now. Congratulations... I guess.
"I'll just type 13579-qetuo\sfhkl'xvn,/.mbcz;khfsapiyrw=08642` into urban dictionary to see what happens"
by Foux April 14, 2022
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When you decide to skip type on your keyboard by 2 you get `24680=wryipadgjl'xvn,/13579-qetuo\sfhk;zcbm.
Lets play checkers on a keyboard!
let me set up the board.`24680=wryipadgjl'xvn,/13579-qetuo\sfhk;zcbm.
by B-O-R-E-D I-S F-U-N November 11, 2022
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The top-of-the-peak boredom. You have tried almost (or all) of the QWERTY keyboard combinations, and are probably supposed to be doing homework right now.
by Hu-Tao'sFriend April 23, 2023
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