In prison, usually a weak young white male who is in the max joint for the first time. Other, more established inmates turn him into their sex slave for various reasons. Mainly because he is white and weak.
damn! T Bone done turn that pretty boy into his punk. Wish I could git a biatch like that!
by Boss March 1, 2004
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A pretty boy is almost tha smae thing as a metrosexual-which means that they spend a lot of time on they hair, they clothes...basically he wants to look super good!
My cousin is such a pretty boy. He takes about and 1 hour in the shower, takes 15 minutes on his hair, and everytime we go to tha mall, he always has to by something from one of tha stores.
by Baby J July 7, 2004
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the most idiotic boy in your school, but still somehow popular
guy with cargo pants and just a simple t-shrit = pretty boy
by foxylikescats September 24, 2011
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either a(n) homosexual; a young man very serious about his looks;raver;fan of techno; a guy that looks like a female; female appearence
by Anonymous July 6, 2003
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A person who looks at themselves all day in the mirror. Also, they can be very mean and very very very cocky. Some look like the dinosaur called a trex.
That kid from our temple looks just like a pretty boy! Hes cocky and is a TREX
by yung mc ch0c January 3, 2007
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