a prand is a mofucka that eats so much fucking ty that skips pondy to play with his moms anal beads
"you did u here about fucking prantoot skipping pondy to eat ty and play with his moms anal beads?"
"yea that mofucka some kinda prandsexual.
by GRODBALLS February 15, 2020
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An adjective used to describe a complete fucking simp that has no life and doesn’t have a bev with every meal. The word pranks origin is from a group of prepubescent black teenagers with small cocks.
“Yo did u here about fantoot start simping for that hoe jada?”

“Yea, what a fucking prand, mofucka some kinda prand sexualbir some shit”
by GRODSEKSCOIN February 16, 2020
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1 bigger than grande (mo bigger)
2 better
3 best
4 kick ass
5 perfect
1 paris hilton's house is PRANDE
2 my truck is PRANDE
3 this skate park is PRANDE
by ..T-_-BONE.. June 19, 2009
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pene grande pero al revès

translation of dig bick in spanish
Tu tienes un gene prande mi amigo
by Wisemantheonewisdomly October 18, 2023
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Disliking both stans, fans and the content creator. That's the pran job
Pranding is a alertnative for disliking someone for no context
by That Memer 69420 monke April 17, 2021
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