A complete mispelling of an already mispelled word....pwned. People only use this spelling of the word when they are trying to be extra-retarded.
by JameelVega October 4, 2005
It derives from being “owned” in an online FPS game, like DOOM or QUAKE.
If someone frags you, esp. quickly, they consider you “owned”. If they type “owned” in the text message box too quickly (because they’re too busy shooting stuff), they hit the “p” key instead of the “o” key, because those keys are spatially local, and they end up typing “pwned”. Eventually, “pwned” became more popular to type than “owned”.
If someone frags you, esp. quickly, they consider you “owned”. If they type “owned” in the text message box too quickly (because they’re too busy shooting stuff), they hit the “p” key instead of the “o” key, because those keys are spatially local, and they end up typing “pwned”. Eventually, “pwned” became more popular to type than “owned”.
by Bruce October 8, 2004
by Justin May 29, 2004
1. Coming from owned.
2. Owning, beating, or defeating one, commonly in a video game.
3. Beating someone beyond shame.
4. Killing, or fragging someone.
2. Owning, beating, or defeating one, commonly in a video game.
3. Beating someone beyond shame.
4. Killing, or fragging someone.
by i love my sexy November 24, 2006
a word meaning "owned".
used mostly to describe winning in some video game.
famous among the geeks, nerds, dorks, and gamers.
used mostly to describe winning in some video game.
famous among the geeks, nerds, dorks, and gamers.
by ze_kimster February 18, 2005
I powned you in counterstrike last night.
by YouDontWannaKnow March 18, 2006