Hay poto?

Hay poto?

Translation 1: A friendly way to great an Hispanic friend, referring to "Can I hug you?".
Translation 2:
Used by touch starved and horny people.
Usually used while having sexual intercourse but can be also used between friends to reinforce their friendship.
Translation 3: A rude way to ask if an individual has a bottom or to insinuate the individual's bottom is small.
Example 1:
-Hay poto?
+Si, dame un abrazo

-Hay poto?
+Yes, give me a hug

Example 2:
-Hay poto?
+Si, solo para ti

-Hay poto?
+Yes, only for you

Example 3:
-*Risa* hay poto?

-*Laughter * hay poto
+Shut up!
by Weirdogirl_lel December 24, 2020
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This word is mostly used to say someone or something is cool. This became a trend in November 2020 and people have been using it since.
Person A: Do you like my new room?
Person B: Omg yes! It’s so poto!
by Pompadejabon April 20, 2021
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Poto is Spanish slang for a male butthole. Think of it as a mangina. It is a derivative of toto, which is Spanish for vagina.
My poto is in pain after taking a dump. Bout to get some poto tonight. Keep that poto tight!
by OSG-Boogie September 19, 2020
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kawaii poto

A clumsy girl. She often has the desire to get revenge on those who are mean. She is a trustworthy friend but once you're not her friend anymore her/his back is turned.
"Watch out it's a Kawaii poto!"
"Oh geez man that's one Kawaii poto!"
by Anasliye ANON November 10, 2017
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bana poto

From lingala ( a language from Congo) African relatives describing african kids that lives in Europe or America.
Often used as a joke for elders
So you've never been to Africa..... typical bana poto

Do you think this is whether is hot!??.... hmmm you're definitely bana poto
by Geniusafrican56 November 1, 2019
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L mad L hes dogwater dated alana like down bad feels bad
person 1 " Yo thats Potoe, he dated alana"
Person 2 "Dam there down bad"
by pog......man September 6, 2021
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mele poto

A short 14 yr old girl who hasnt reached 4ft. A lil smart ass cunt who disrespects her friends most likely cause their all taller than her. But she also is smart.
by Neuclear March 30, 2018
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