poseidon kiss

when water splashes up from the toilet onto your butt from the poop dropping into the water
This morning when I woke up and went to the bathroom, I totally got a poseidon kiss from that turd I dropped.
by rim_ram_rod March 5, 2016
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Poseidon's Kiss

When water splashes up from the toilet onto your butt from your poop dropping into the water.
Upon defecating, Alex felt the cool wrath of Poseidon's Kiss as it grazed his buttocks.
by billypilgrim3000 May 8, 2012
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Poseidons Kiss

When you do a shit and the plop sends a small dollop of cold water up that kisses your anus.
Friend: You ok in there? I heard a little yelp.

Me: Yeah, just a little Poseidons Kiss
by dunkinnuts April 2, 2019
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Poseidon's kiss

When you begin to shit in a toilet, and the water splashes up and touches your butthole.
I jizzed when I took a shit and got a Poseidon's kiss.
by Dickbutt March 10, 2012
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Poseidon's kiss

When you drop that dark brown nut loaf and the toilet water splashes up, Cooling off that burning ring of yours.
That Poseidon's kiss really soothed the ache from last nights curry.
by Primal Blue. November 6, 2015
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Poseidon's kiss

When you go to the bathroom and the water splashes your rump after taking a dump.
Hey... did you have a Poseidon's kiss when you were in the washroom?
by Heather Crystal December 28, 2016
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Poseidon's Kiss

When you take a shit, and the water touches your ass.
My shit was so huge, it gave me the fattest Poseidon's kiss yesterday.
by CoC/Tubing March 15, 2023
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