Verb - a combination of 'plunder' and 'pillage' for brevity.
The pirates plummaged the undefended harbor town.
by Craiglanche February 15, 2016
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When your neighbor's plum tree has branches hanging over your side of the fence, and you sneak a plum or two.
Oh, those neighborhood boys were plummaging my fruit tree again yesterday.
by Oswald the octopus January 18, 2020
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A mixture of pillaged and plowed. I plowed that girl last night. I pillaged her village last night.
by Clobear April 28, 2021
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when your neighbors fruit tree hangs over your yard and you sneak a plum or two
Oh, those neighborhood boys were plummaging my tree again yesterday.
by weeniethehotdog January 18, 2020
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