A condensed form of an expression of happinesss, excitement, moment of discovery, et al.

Also can be used as a sign of disappointment based on inflection.
I just won the lottery!=Ploof!

I found my car keys!=Ploof!

My cat died. = Ploof.
by RussMartinFan November 9, 2018
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Ploof \plʊf\

1. To plop and poof at the same time. 2. The sound marshmallows make. 3. Nonsense. 4. The act of ploofing. 5. An alternative to POOF

Ploofs, ploofed, ploofing, ploofery.
That is utter ploof.
by Red~ August 2, 2011
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I found out I was allergic to feathers, so I had to give up my feather ploof for a synthetic one.
by Eyetoldyaso April 19, 2022
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A girl who has made out with more than 30 male and/or female people.
That girl is such a ploof. Ploofing Whore. Ploofed herself.
by Haterz March 26, 2007
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The best CS player in existence. Possibly the biggest badass imaginable. Is known to pwn nubs, noobs, n00bs, noobies, nublets, nubcakes, nubsauces, naabs, noobsticks, neebs, nuubs, newbs, newbies, nuubs in tuubs, noobasauruses, noobwads, noob bags, nub-nubs, nibs, newbits, knobs, nubheds, nubliches, wubs, noobaloids, nubholes and other forms of the word noob.

Synonyms: Great, amazing, God.
Antonyms: HAXOR
LI3K lolz Ploof PWNED MEH.
by lkafd February 6, 2007
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A cloud like creature that carries a hat.
I have made a ploof sticker
by Mamgo November 4, 2020
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A way to stimulate one's nipple during sex.
You like the way I ploof your nipples
by Coochie master pro tips December 8, 2020
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