A person that chews their food obnoxiously loud...to the point of sounding like a cow chewing grass.
"Dude...your such a plapper...close your mouth!"

"Bro...you sound like a cow..stop plapping!"
by Herbi October 27, 2007
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An extremely loud fart that occurs when your ass cheeks flap in the gust. Mainly occuring while seated on a chair.
by the plapper101 July 20, 2008
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The vaginal lips of an African-American woman. Purple, describing the color of their genital, and plapper, referring to the 'plap' noise that is made by their labias abruptly smacking together. ('plap' noise usually made during intercourse)
Shineequa's purple plapper was rather disgusting. It was slimy, and smelled like rotted salmon.
by charley elizabeth January 28, 2006
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A cat foot of a notable size, especially when stretched out.
"Damn, those are some big plipper plappers for such a tiny kitty."
by smokybones July 22, 2023
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