Combination of Sausage Link and Dasiy Chain:
When a group of men form a complete circle with each man butt-fucking and being butt-fucked simultaneously. After the men have had enough in the butt, they maintain the circle and start sucking each other off. Can be especially pleasurable if participants have not showered in days.
We were riding in the car and became aware that we were really hungry. Everyone thought a stuffed crust pizza sounded delicious so we pulled the car over and got down!
by ExtraVirginOlive June 6, 2010
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Can refer to sex (rough or soft) or someone's penis.
Would you like your pizza crust rough or soft
by Veronicalodgetisdall June 17, 2018
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A dank pizza which is preferably from Chicago town or milanos
Let's get a fat Cheese Crust pizza
by dank lad October 25, 2015
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