A game only played when extremely intoxicated, involves sticking a Rizla (cigarette paper) to ones nose, setting fire to it, and trying to put it out by saying pigeon, if you are sucessful, you are legend for the rest of your life, if you are not, you have a sore nose
*at party*
Simon: Hey Alex, give you a game of Pigeon
Alex: Yeah sure man
*a minute later*
by Birdygamer June 9, 2011
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A mostly brainless ball of fat and feathers that poops on everything. Can be trained, but why?
by Laser Potato August 23, 2004
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A no-value person who flies into a meeting, eats all the food, shits on everyone, and then flies away.
Tom is such a pigeon at board meetings.
by Bobsled10 July 18, 2022
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a majestic creature that enjoys long walks on the beach, french fries, and bicycle rides.
wow. i crie. pigeons are very elegant and smol.
by pansexualrat January 30, 2019
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a majestic birb that is worshipped in a cult. such cults are called pigeon cults. some people treat this birb as the king of all animals, because it is. however it gets bored easily so you need to entertain it with your best. some people refer to themselves as a pigeon as they are majestic and royal. when you meet a person who calls themselves pigeon, they will probably be plotting to kill a certain jenna.
pigeons are majestic, we lust worship them!
by oesophagussssssssss February 23, 2021
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A poor Poker player. The principal food of professional Poker players.
If you can't tell who the pigeon is at the table in ten minutes, it's you.
by Salsa Shark July 30, 2005
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