When you have to pee, but you keep putting it off.
Peecrastination leads to that "Ahhh-why-did-I-wait-so-long feeling when you finally go.
by lovecandycane February 4, 2010
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What one does when they are in the movies and need to use the bathroom but don't want to miss a good part of the movie.
Mike: Jeez man, I don't think I can make it to the bathroom. I peecrastinated during the entire movie.
by SydneyZane June 17, 2011
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When you need to pee but you're too lazy to get up from your computer or your couch so you hold it in for later until you feel like you're about to pee in your pants if you don't.
Emily: I need to pee.
Connie: Then go pee.
Emily: I'm too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom right now, I'll do it later.
Connie: Peecrastination is bad for your bladder, you know.
by conmcfon April 3, 2016
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A mode of procrastination in which the individual, usually a student, in an effort to avoid starting homework, will go to the bathroom. Actual need to pee is irrelevant.
Jane: Ugh, I really don't want to start this paper. I guess I'll just go to the bathroom.

Jane's Roommate: Girl, you better stop peecrastinating!
by 1679865 November 27, 2011
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When you go to pee but end up being on the toilet for more than a couple minutes because of procrastination on the phone.
Mom: What have you been doing in there?
Me: Oh, I'm just peecrastinating
Mom: peecrastination at its finest.
by peecrastination April 25, 2015
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To put off having to urinate for more important tasks, until unbearable pain.
Joe: I have to pee so bad but I'm too lazy!

David: Get off the damn couch and stop peecrastinating.
by userbrit3027 April 30, 2013
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