A person who loves feet. Ped (feet) and philio (love).
This man is a pedophile. He is obsessed with feet.
by strawberry19942 September 21, 2010
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Let's say that Steven is a 35 year old pedophile.

Steven:Hey,kid,want some candy?


Child gets in car and Steven touches him.

by mooooooooooty February 14, 2009
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an adult who is sexually attracted to a child
glyn is a pedophile sick
by littlesis March 16, 2009
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Usually nowadays it's somebody (usually male), who is sexually attracted to kids in a sexual way. Or it's a pathetic scumbag who is attracted to them, but is an adult and desides to have sex with them and is dating them. Now that's statoury rape.
Pedophile (23 year old dude); I'm dating a 12 year old and she gives nice sex and head!! I love her so much!!

12 year old girl: I love my babay, he's so nice and when I'm 18 we're gonna get married!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1111!

Adult (18): That is so digusting, you're very pathetic for going after someone young because noone you're age wants you.
Me: The couple are both losers, too bad she's 12. I swear she would know better if she was like 16.
by AskYourMom May 27, 2007
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A person who experiences erotic love for a younger child -- especially one who is sexually immature.
Just because she is a woman and a mother, that doesn't mean that she isn't a pedophile.
by Anaya September 1, 2003
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a pedophile is a young child who feels attraction to elderly citizens. they are also known as sex offenders.
"theres a pedophile at the retirement home!!"
"i heard hes got pace makers in his van! '
by kindaswagtbh July 19, 2021
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a person who is attracted to and in some cases rape or do sexual acts with a child. This is not okay.
Being a pedophile is not something you should be proud of
by Garyonyx March 3, 2022
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