commonly known as PNG, papua new guinea is an island nation in oceania, consisting of part of the huge island of new guinea, which it shares with indonesia. once a portuguese, and later german and then australian territory, it became independent in the 1970s. it is currently the most rural country in the world, with most people outside of the capital of port mosebly either working as subsistant farmers or living in traditional tribes.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
A nation that just doesn't fit in anywhere. You can't comfortably say it's an Asian or Oceanian country. It's a VERY underrated country. Most people see it as "That country above Australia" and that it's just a smaller version of Australia or Indonesia. Both of these impressions are TOTALLY WRONG, as PNG is not even remotely similar to Indonesia OR Australia. Most people in Papua New Guinea shorten their name to PNG because the full name is annoying to write out when using it repeatedly. Papua New Guinea is not similar to Australia OR Indonesia, as the people of PNG are of Melanesian descent. They are somewhat related to Solomon Islanders, but that's about it for similarities to neighbors. PNG is also a very rural country, and it's one of the only countries (if not the only one) in the world where the majority of the population still lives a tribal lifestyle. PNG still has tribes that inhabit the jungle as they have for thousands of years. Europeans colonized Australia and the East Indies and subjugated the natives, but PNG was spared because the terrain was just too rough for it to be worth conquering. That's why the tribes still survive today. They are very proud that they are some of the only people to maintain their tribalism. That's not to say PNG is uncivilized. Yes, the tribes live in the jungle, but they are by no means ruthless savages. PNG is a very unique and underrated country. Most people still live in their native homelands, and they are very proud of this.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx March 10, 2021
Malrial, large South Pacific island (with rainforest) that's half independent and half Indonesian. The place is literally festering with insects, tropical disease, poisonous/non-poisonous reptiles, man-eating birds, and painted head-hunting types in its jungle areas. Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, PNG is susceptible to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, cyclones and almost any other natural diasater you can name. As its interior is still largely unexplored due to the extremity of its geography, you may well find yourself in a 'Land that Time Forgot' scenario should you venture too far off the beaten track. The capital on the independent side is Port Moresby - a city ringed with squatters dwellings and rife with marauding 'Raskols'(bandits) who spend their time chewing betel-nut (an adrenal stimulator that turns your spit to red foam) and carjacking SUVs. Port Moresby has a higher crime rate than the Radford area of Nottingham (or even the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny), if you listen to the scare stories. It's actually not too bad if you use your common sense. Just don't go out at night without an armed guard who isn't going to run away.
by La-di-da Gunner Graham July 11, 2008
by A really big weirdo July 30, 2022