1) A person who likes to go in the rear door. Not always a Gay Male, but it quite often is
2) A person who works at a desert shop could often fit this category.
Joe is a little out there, he works at a shop on the boardwalk and I 've been told he packs fudge, especially chocolate. He wants to do it every day.
by baycer2 March 28, 2016
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I saw Tom Cruise packing fudge today at the fudge packing plant. Later, he packed fudge into a truck. After work he was packing fudge with Mel Gibson. He later ate all of that fudge and got yelled at by Mel Gibson, who has made him his bitch.
by Krakatoanus April 16, 2010
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1. To place a fudge confection into a carton
2. To give anal sex
1. Ward, why don't you help the beaver pack his fudge?
2. Carson got his fudge packed so tight he couldn't shit for three days.
by discordian December 23, 2003
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1. To anally sodomize another individual 2. To engage in homosexual activities

The expression is derived from an assumption that the receptive partner in anal coitus would have his feces, "fudge," compressed and pushed back into the gastrointestinal tract, "packed."
Leandro really got his fudge packed hard by those Nigerian guys while in immigration detention.

Adam and Steve are quite sore as a result of packing fudge all night.

Leroy does like to pack fudge; some of the other inmates call him "Papa Bear."

by Kuzow July 25, 2006
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What fudge packers do.
Bob the fudge packer "The truck is still empty Mike, why don't you pack some more fudge in it"
by Don August 10, 2004
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