
one with a depressing, yet strangely upbeat, view of the world, often expressed through their sence of humor.
oswalt is the last name of famous comedian/actor patton oswalt. this term originally described jokes following his style of humor. it now also extends to people of his charicter, or people who have taken to using his jokes.
"dude...you just pulled an oswalt"
"you're such an oswalt"
by private brooklyn October 5, 2006
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Roy Oswalt

One of the best pitchers in the Nation League. Features a 93+ mph fastball, curveball at around 70 mph, and also will throw a few changeups and sliders. Has won 20 games in each of the past two seasons. May be best known for shutting down the Cardinals in game 6 of the NLCS to bring a National League Pennant to Houston for the first time in thier history.
Man.... Roy Oswalt was on last night. He might end up winning the Cy Young Award this year!
by Griff. May 27, 2006
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A man who’s deeply in love with a girl named Viola. Always and forever.
Girl1: what is his name ?
Girl2: Oswalt

Girl1: oh the guy who’s known to have only one heart for a girl called Viola

Girl2: wish I was Viola.
by Xiaotaiyang November 22, 2021
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