When you are getting your dick sucked and shoot your load into your ladies eye. The ole nut eye
My girl looked like Popeye the rest of the night after I gave her a Nut eye
by spideyskin May 26, 2021
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When you have a severe nut allergy and purposefully bury your face in a can of Planter's Mixed Nuts in a last ditch effort to get out of a date or activity with someone.

The end result is like being maced: your eyes bug out, you become incapacitated, and you can't breathe. Or you just end up in the hospital.

Usually done because your date is fugly, or you're just a dick.
Jack was such a dick, instead of admitting he was a lousy dancer, he ate a handful of honey roasted before he was suppose to go on the floor with Jill. When she asked why he looked like a sunburned bug-eyed lizard, he responded with "Well, I got nuts in my eyes," and hid under a table from everyone.
by Pyr3 December 3, 2008
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The act of putting a wad of tobacco in yer lipper and spitting a stream in another mans or womans eye
Andy here gets angry at his teacher so he puts in a nice ole wad an he "spit some beech nut in your eye" causing severe pain and blindness.
by Hanks Jr. February 19, 2014
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