9 definitions by Wishful Thinking

What's going on in the neighborhood
Jim: Hey Mary whats the Haps in da hood

Mary: Little D got capped up in tha hood last week
by Wishful Thinking October 7, 2005
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When your girl is lookin at another mutha fucka like she wants to go home with him
yo man whats wrong with your girl.
she was out at the mall reckless eyeballin and I had to smack her ass up.
by Wishful Thinking November 11, 2005
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"double pop" which consists of a layer of two different, preferably brightly colored, polo shirts with the collars up - the result is really just delightful to the eye.
by Wishful Thinking October 6, 2005
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Person 1: Yo man I'm sorry I stepped on your shoes

Person 2: aww no big woop dog
by Wishful Thinking October 8, 2005
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PIMP slang for when a hoe starts actin up.
Yo man your hoe is straight outta pocket

Bitch you outta pocket shut the fuck up.

by Wishful Thinking November 11, 2005
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to acknowledge what someone is saying to you
Rick:I got this hoe lined up back at tha house you wanna come run a train.

Bob: aw-ite.
by Wishful Thinking October 7, 2005
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