neopronouns "nor/mal" are used by homosexual individuals who have a pisskink
a: hey, what are your pronouns?
b: 'nor/mal'
a: oh, congrats for coming out as a homosexual person who has a pisskink, I'll inform our co-workers about your new pronouns!

a: hey, b uses nor/mal pronouns which means that nor is gay and likes to be peed on during sexual intercourse by mal partner
c: ok, thanks for informing me about mal pronouns!
by your avocado April 6, 2021
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A title that represent a person as being normal and to make fun of people who use pronouns.
Girl: hey what’s your pronouns?
Guy: oh I’m nor/mal(normal).
by Dr. Vinegar March 8, 2021
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Neopronouns usually used by a gay man whom has internalized homophobia and but is in the closet despite their discrimination among the LGBTQ+ and trans community.

They also usually have inflation kinks.
P1: That person's pronouns are nor/mal.
P2: I'll accept nor's pronouns. Their cool.
by fuac2 May 25, 2021
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1: nor/mal are neo pronouns that are used by closeted gay
2: people who refer as nor/mal are also known to have a piss kink
:hey I use nor/mal pronouns

:wow your dick must be small..
by defnoteddie July 12, 2021
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nor/mal is used for closeted gay men who have piss kinks, they use this to identify eachother on the internet
“what are your pronouns?”
me too *wink*”
by better than you lol <3 October 16, 2021
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People whose pronouns are nor/mal are usually suffering from homophobia but are usually closeted homosexual or are just not aware of the fact that they are homosexual. As they realize they are homosexuals they usually stop suffering from homophobia and start using pronouns like he/him and she/her and even sometimes they may even start using they/them, zee/zer, xi/xir, and other pronouns that don't point to homophobia.
" My pronouns are nor/mal." go fuck yourself if you ever said that.
by SomePerson2008 September 10, 2021
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A neo-pronoun. Meant to indicate one is educated in proper modern science. Furthermore is a strong indication of one who is not clinically insane. While typically used as a joke. It is often meant as a sign of education and a sense of humour. This pronoun in particular is used by those with an actual brain in society.
Person 1: what are your pronouns?

Person 2: I’m nor/mal thank you for asking.

Person 1: you’re a sick transphobic piece of shit! Cancelled! You probably are gay and have a piss kink!

Person 2: being nor/mal means I am properly educated and have a higher place in society due to my dominance in intellect. In fact the whole pronoun “nor/mal” is nothing more than a mere joke, to point out how most people in the community that uses pronouns aren’t necessarily the brightest in the head. But say what you will. In the end you’ll only be a childish fool who refuses to accept things for the way they are. And also can’t take a little joke lol.

Person 1: ...
by WrinkleBrain March 2, 2021
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