When u pin someone down and instinctively
fart on their face creating a "Mud Mask"
Man when i had the runs, i gave her a serious mudmask!!
by Mitch April 14, 2005
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When a person shits in a womens vagina and then eats her out.
Last night I gave her a Mud Mask and my face still smells like shit.
by Manotaur December 4, 2007
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You wait for your partner to roll to one side of their pillow, shit on the other side, and then watch them roll back onto it.
"Dude, Jason is gonna give you a Mud Mask tomorrow morning."
by Drummererb August 29, 2006
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when you 69, and the person on top shits on their partners face
i just gave that chick the mud mask
by Earl Shithead August 9, 2009
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Smearing your hot smelly shit on the face of your sexual partner after receiving a blumpkin
by VanDoctor546 June 12, 2017
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where a guy shits on a girls face, then rubs it in and lets it dry
woman: hay honey my pores are feelin a little dry.
man: do u want me 2 give a foster mud mask.
by yazpikle July 23, 2009
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When you shit on your partner's chest during sexual exploits, then use the shit to create a refreshing mudmask on your partner's face. Bonus points for cucumber slices on the eyes.
Diana was surprised when Andy requested that he start his morning with an Ethiopian mud mask. She obliged and proceeded to shit on Andy's chest and rub the steaming pile into his T-zone. Luckily she still had two slices of cucumber from dinner for his puffy eyes.
by d.knitster July 9, 2010
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