When some one is having anal sex and person taking it up the ass shits.
Mike mudfucked her last nite
by MR productions August 14, 2006
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M. is used for individuals who has regular and/or intentional intercourse with dirt or mud. It is a strong word which can be offensive in certain contexts.
- That guy seems to like mud unusually much.
- Yeah, that's because he's a mudfucker
by Bertil Andersson April 21, 2007
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Anyone who uses falsehoods and blatant lies to justify a self-elevated position, removing themselves physically from the dirt they belong in for short bursts, only to get dirty again and again, in and out of the mud.
John Kerry is a mudfucker.
by Kerry Hater August 18, 2004
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A sexual act involving a group of people, a large pole, a puddle of mud, a pile of horse shit, and the willingness to use your fists.
Michigan redneck #1: Whatcha guys do after the barn dance last night?
Michigan redneck #2: We took 4 whores out back to where the farmer keeps his fertilizer and had a giant Michigan Mudfuck.
by Reagan&Bush'84 November 6, 2017
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