It is a slang term used to describe a baby. Usually this term is for a young teenage woman who happens to have a child, or a woman with a low income supporting a child or several children. This isn't limited to females only, a couple, or a single male can also have fall into this category. Meal tickets regard to the fact that a child or baby, are considered a "ticket" to buying a meal, or another mouth to feed.
Did you know that Stephenie just had a kid?? Yea, that sucks, she just got herself a free meal ticket!
by The "Randem" boys December 12, 2007
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A person who expects others to pay for their meals on a date/meeting simply because of their gender or existence
Just because I am a woman, a man is obligated to pay for my meal.

Just because you were the one who did the asking out (even that I would refuse if I wasn't interested in you also but I don't have the guts to do the asking out myself) you have to pay for my meal.

This is an example of meal ticket beggars
by Nickthedick09 October 30, 2009
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What you are when you run out of ammo in a zombie survival game. The sound of the gun clicking brings all the zombies forth. It's their dinner bell. This is incredibly problematic when at higher levels in Call of Duty: Nazi Zombies. All you can do is run in fear as your empty chamber clicks away.
Random 12 year-old: Shit man, Fuck. Im out of damn ammo.
Mature Adult: Hahaha. You are now a Clicking Meal Ticket!
by Soreru September 18, 2014
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The Career or Careers that will make you financial gain. The Career that will put food on your table.
Making Beats is my meal ticket.
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The Career or Careers that will give you financial gain, the Career that will put food on your table.
Making beats is my meal ticket.
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The litter of babies that are the result of unregulated fertility treatments. Often used as a "meal-ticket" for the parents by way of television shows, books, speaking engagements, etc.
Jon & Kate plus Eight, many others too numerous to mention. Hey Honey, let's have a litter of meal-ticket multiples so we can quit our jobs and become cheezy, reality show celebrities.
by shwilla August 20, 2009
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To vomit,puke during or after a meal
1."after earl saw the pictures of his woman in a compromising position around trip meal ticket ensued"2.look there's another round trip meal ticket 3.who did this round trip meal ticket and didn't clean it up?4.1st there were the drinks, then the wine, then the lasagna,then came the round trip meal ticket
by mikel t August 24, 2006
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