a plant used by various founding fathers, smoked to make humans relax and cause a "high" state of mind, also could open new opportunities for farmers and generate green jobs for thousands if the government would fuck off.
decide with logic and factual knowledge about marijuana. Does prohibition really help against America's supposed "Drug-war"?
by LogiclyinformedMF'R August 3, 2010
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A drug which can be used in 3 ways:

1-To forget about problems and escape reality

2-To simply party

3-To burst open your mind and allow you to understand yourself and the world around you in a radically different light

Obviously, marijuana can be abused; but this is no different than caffeine or gambling or any countless number of habit-forming substances and behaviours. Addiction is not exclusive to weed. It exists everywhere, and weed is a far less dangerous drug than alcohol or tobacco. Weed can have problematic effects in the long run. but it should not be grouped with more fully destructive drugs like heroin, meth, or cocaine.

For people who have never tried the bud, and associate it only with drop-outs and losers, they should do a little research and explore the culture of cannabis a little more. Countless weed smokers have found untold success in life even with a history of drug use. Weed can be destructive or incredibly and positively life-changing. Don't be fooled by the swarms of half-truths and propaganda which fly from the mouths of anti-weed activists; if marijuana hits you the right way, it can allow for profound understanding of music, art, film, people, life, the soul...whatever you want. (It can also be very habit forming).

Try a little, but understand that if you smoke enough you could change yourself forever, mellow you out, make you appreciate life more fully, make you think more...or fuck up your lungs or mind forever

In an case...smoke up.
Marijuana Smoker 1: Woah man...now I can forget about my drinking problem, multiple DUIs, assault record, meth habit, and the giant tigar that lives in my basement maaaan

Marijuana Smoker 2: (Giggles incoherently) lolz

Marijuana Smoker 3: Wow man...I understand the meaning of life. Let's pack another blunt.

by somerandomguy432 January 10, 2011
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Marijuana isn't as good as people say it is
by PoonSlayer20 April 19, 2017
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A remarkably non-toxic substance used to explore an alternate consciousness. in other words, it's not so much about "getting high" as it is about seeing the importance in the normally mundane, and being able to make connections and notice more than you ever thought possible. Picture your mind as a half opened eye, marijuana opens that eye fully, if only for a limited time. No it will not kill you, and no it is not a gateway drug. let's apply the gateway drug to something else, shall we? would you say that masturbation leads to the act of rape? would you say that riding a tricycle when you are young leads to joining a motorcycle gang? it seems absurd when the gateway drug "logic" is applied to other situations.
Responsible user number 1: care for some marijuana
Responsible user number 2: Oh no thanks, I have work to do today, but some other time definitely.


Responsible user number 1: care for some marijuana?
Responsible user number 2: Well, I have nothing that needs to be taken care of today, lets toke up.
by straightfire December 27, 2011
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If you really had to look this up on urban dictionary to figure out what it meant you really need to get out more
by aorbtnely July 23, 2010
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The drug of choice for many and a great way to relax. Was used by the 1960's hippie generation in massive amounts. It should be make legal but bible thumpers and old people in the baby boomer generation and generation x are too close minded and ignort to want that.
Marijuana rules.
by Deep blue 2012 April 3, 2010
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A beautiful, magical herb that brings joy and happiness to all the people of the world who are open minded enough to give it a chance.
Mom: Smoke the marijuana, it'll make you feel young, alive, vibrant and colorful!
Child: O.O Ok.
Government: *Arrests mom*
by Rosalieee. August 29, 2010
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