verb: to steal ones CAC ID and post pictures of gay men on their desktop and background as well as screen saver, making them apear to be homo erotic, or have homosexual tendancies.
When smith left his account unlocked, richards and mccallum man papered his settings.

If Williams leaves his computer unlocked one more time, he is deffinitly going to get the man paper treatment.

That dumbass left his account unlocked again! Go to and set his background to a buncha fags!
by Brian Wall March 16, 2008
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1) A person who acts all high and mighty, but is actually weak-willed and pathetic in reality.
2) A sorry excuse for a man, one who acts smug and in-control, but is actually a wet napkin.
3) A fake person, when put under pressure or are called out they seem to crumble.
Don't listen to him, he is a paper man through and through

Greg thinks he's king of the world, but everyone knows he's actually a paper man
by Definitely Not Weed September 19, 2017
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Someone that smokes paper like a nit bag
Madam’s is smoking paper he is a paper man
by Paper Mann October 22, 2021
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Also, talk like a man with a paper ass. Refers to an individual that lacks substance. Can't back up his big talk, bragging.
by fonspa November 1, 2010
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to reply to a query in a foolish or stupid manner
when i asked him, he started to talk like a man with a paper asshole.
by bob magrann June 5, 2007
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Talking like you have all the answers but you have none
John boehner is talking like a man with a paper asshole.
by Plumbob November 16, 2013
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