M&M is a chocolate candy stamped with an m. It's so that you wouldn't get confused with another candy called smarties. M&M's stands for Mars & Murrie.
Guy 1: Hey, Do you know what M&M's stands for?
Guy 2: Yes
Guy 1: what?
Guy 2: Mars & Murrie
Guy 1: thx
by oofedinrobloxihatenewoof2022 August 27, 2023
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Slang for Ecstasy; the pressed pill form of MDMA ( Methylenedioxymethamphetamine)
"Yo are you selling any M&M's right now?"
by RETRO SF July 5, 2018
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meth and money.
dudebro #1: dude, where's karen?

dudebro #2: i don't know, probably out sucking dick for some m&m's.
by ohhellotheremrs May 13, 2019
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When you get lit as fuck off Meth and Morphine, and you start puking, but get even higher after puking.
"Bro I got M&M'd the fuck up last night."

"You should so try doing M&M, it's fun."
by daddy's bad little bitch August 16, 2018
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He threw the m&m's first.
by Seducier November 27, 2017
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someone who is a memory & mistake ( deep down you still love em doe )
bro that bitch you I dated was a m&m
by killer3ghee July 15, 2019
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When someone from the burbs goes to the ghetto and acts hard and like they know what it's like to live there but the other people know that this person is a fake
This M&M went to the ghetto last night acting all hard and shit and got his ass kicked
by SpasticSarcastic November 9, 2019
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