
a flavor of 7up that combines a lime and a lemon.
Look at Dan! He's enjoying his lymon drink!
by sapphire honey June 12, 2006
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Slang for those that have a shoe or foot fetish aka feet candy.
Jim said," all my homies have at least 100 pair of shoes, call it feet candy, I guess we're some LYMON-HEADZ.
by Jaye_$upreme February 4, 2022
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Chilé and Lymon

Simon is french for Chilé. Lynne is always a bit sour, kind of like a lemon.

Thus, the birth of Chilé and Lymon as a couples name for Simon and Lynne.
Wow. Look at those two. That's Chilé and Lymon aka Simon and Lynne.
by No Lies. All Truth January 18, 2023
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