dude! u need to tune into channel 9 now! theres this chick with the biggest low-rider tits on body work! They should make that set defect or something!
by The aussy Don September 8, 2005
A car packed with obese people unintentionally causing a low rider effect, often grinding on the ground creating a glorious river of sparks.
by <Shady> May 3, 2010
a prison gang of white power skinheads that normally are from
gangs like the original punk gang "fight for freedom". They are whites that turned to white power to differentiate themselves from general population whites (pecker woods) to exude power. They way they affiliate, dress, and look are similar to mexicano inmates thus the low rider at the end.
gangs like the original punk gang "fight for freedom". They are whites that turned to white power to differentiate themselves from general population whites (pecker woods) to exude power. They way they affiliate, dress, and look are similar to mexicano inmates thus the low rider at the end.
by Lil Man Og LADS GANG April 2, 2008
When a car with stock suspension is lowered by an obese person in either the front or back seat.A person of 300+ lbs can lower the car up to 4 inches and can bounce the vehicle if he/she chooses to shift weight.
by ApimpNamedSlickback August 17, 2007
One of the most racially confused ethnic gangs to exist in the United States. Made up of Mixed-Raced White Hispanic/Latinos who show favoritism towards their Caucasian roots. They also vow to "eliminate" African-Americans, and "race traitors", despite the fact that they are not purely Caucasian, or purely Latino.
Man 1: "For being a really racist gang, the Nazi Low Riders, are actually the most diverse prison gang I've ever seen."
by SouljaYeet33 August 29, 2021
by RedBaron3412 May 31, 2021
A prison gang made up of weak minded caucasians who think they are white, but disgrace their race while having intercourse outside of prison with surenos.
by Pablo666 October 8, 2007