The urgent need to have sex. It is often requested by people bored in quarantine.
Do you wanna try some litral? It helps
by PssssPssss April 22, 2020
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An misspoken appropriation of the adverb "literally". Has no actual definition, but is used as verbal filler by annoying and vapid social media users in an attempt to sound sophisticated. Citing misuse by historical writers as an excuse, it has infiltrated the modern vernacular. It has managed to surface as an alternate definition to literally in "current year" online dictionaries by other vapid social media users who leveraged diversity requirements to get a job with them.

A less annoying word, I am not aware of.
I litrally just .. (insert every activity known to man here)

I litrally can't .. (followed by nothing, for additional annoyance points)
by The Flange Flogger March 24, 2019
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The litrality is that we don't have any money

The litrality of the situation is the car is broken

He broke up with me, that's the litrality
by Theleprecon April 9, 2022
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