like like

Like like is more then liking as a friend, yet different then a crush. Its a step above a crush, and a step below love.
"Dude, Jenna so like likes Tom!"
"I do not like like David, I just like him."
"So... do you like like me, or just like me?"
by dorkwad March 20, 2003
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like like

The affection between like and love.
"Love" is like "like like" like "like like" is like "like"!
by aoeuser January 22, 2011
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like like

To be sexually attracted to; to fancy

When someone is inclined to be more fond of, keen on, partial to, and attracted to another; and he/she is experiencing the strongest feelings of 'like' towards the other. The feeling is usually reciprocated.
Mike: "So, do you like me or do you like like me?"
by jboobz May 3, 2011
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like like

1. Noun, a 1990's-2000's teenager who uses the word "like" excessively, often during pauses and in place of words like "um," "uh," and just plain silence.
2. An enemy in the Legend of Zelda series that eats shields and is in general very annoying; similar to definition 1.
Your girlfriend is such a like like, she's said "like" fifteen times in one sentence!
by Andre January 8, 2004
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Like like like

Where you more than like like someone, but you don't say you love them. Like like like is a sign of a relationship going somewhere.
Wow, did you see that she smiled so much around him? She must really like like like him.
by Palroonie September 4, 2017
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like-like like

Where you only like someone because you want to like someone.
The lonely guy, wanting to find love, like-like liked the ugly old woman.
by Aleph Daylabutliker January 4, 2010
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They really like you very much. They have a big crush on you.
by urmomscat April 26, 2022