Anton, who doesn't know shit from shanola about training dogs, kept insisting to Jenny, over and over again, that according to a German dog training manual the best ways to train a dog is to hit them. Anton just won't shut up. Jenny, greatly annoyed, has told him he sounds like a broken record and she has no intention of disciplining her dog Lucky by hitting her. Anton is so obnoxious that Jenny is now considering trying out the German discipline method on Anton. Hopefully Anton will read this definition about what 'a broken record' means and shut up forever on this matter.
A second example:
Jenny never wants to hear Mariana's name again. Jenny is disgusted by how Anton and Mariana have treated others. Jenny never wants to hear of Mariana and never wants to see Mariana again. Even though Jenny has repeatedly asked Anton to never mention Mariana's again or talk about her in any way, however, Anton, just like a broken record, keeps bringing Mariana's name up over and over again. Anton doesn't seem to understand that Jenny is very mad that he keeps doing this although she has repeatedly asked him to stop. Anton is rather immature and doesn't seem to understand that the consequences of continually trying to tick off Jenny will mean that Jenny will stop liking Anton and will kick him out of her house and life forever.
A second example:
Jenny never wants to hear Mariana's name again. Jenny is disgusted by how Anton and Mariana have treated others. Jenny never wants to hear of Mariana and never wants to see Mariana again. Even though Jenny has repeatedly asked Anton to never mention Mariana's again or talk about her in any way, however, Anton, just like a broken record, keeps bringing Mariana's name up over and over again. Anton doesn't seem to understand that Jenny is very mad that he keeps doing this although she has repeatedly asked him to stop. Anton is rather immature and doesn't seem to understand that the consequences of continually trying to tick off Jenny will mean that Jenny will stop liking Anton and will kick him out of her house and life forever.
by crazysissymonster November 6, 2007
(Adj.) Having something repeatedly being said to you, most of the time about the same thing. This can vary from being said by your teacher to your black grandma.
by peanut6217 January 29, 2022
When someone has to repeat something to you repeatedly. Most likely being used by your black grandma.
by peanut6217 January 29, 2022