Lihapulla is a person who eats literally everything but doesnt get fat. Usually this person is a good looking male with a beard.
"Omg did u see that lihapulla guy there, he is probably such a fakboi"
by Lihapullatparas November 12, 2017
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The word "lihapulla" is usually used to describe a good looking bearded male, who can eat literally everything without getting fat. This person might have a few cute tummyrolls but u know that pizza is not gonna stick. This fakboi may try to feed you but dont do it, its a trick lihapulla-people use to get u fat while staying slim af
"Have you seen how much T has been eating lately, he must be a lihapulla as he should be fat af by now and he still looks like that"
by Lihapullatparas November 13, 2017
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