lez be honest

A.) When a girl claims she's straight but everyone knows otherwise.

B.)Straight girls making lesbian decisions.
A.)"I don't like girls stop saying that!!!"
"Lez be honest, you'd probably fuck her harder than I would."

B.)"Did you see Kim kiss Courtney last night?"
"Lez be honest bro, they both gay."
by dizzlec September 29, 2011
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Lez be honest

When a girl claims to be “bi” but finds dicks disgusting.
Lez be honest, you want the poon.
by Platypussylove February 4, 2019
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Lez Be Honest

Another way to call a girl a Lesbian. The est in honest is not part of the word. :P
Miley Cyrus: Hey everbody!
Random Person: Lez Be Honest, Miley!
Miley Cyrus: *Screams* Who cares freak!

My note: isn't Miley Cyrus a Lesbian? I really hope I got that part right. ^_^
by TheAverageGirl February 16, 2015
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