Try pulling it see wha-AHHHHHHHHÆ I FELL OUT A PLANE


Just don't pull the lever kronk! if u don't know who kronk is idk either don't ask me
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A crucial moment where one hides their erect penis by tucking it beneath the elastic of their shorts, usually in an opportunistic fashion, in the unexpected anticipation of standing up.
After twenty minutes of watching Hannah dance, poor Jimmy could hear the taxi for the town centre as it pulled up outside. He was grateful that she went to answer the door, since it gave him the briefest of moments to lever-up before they headed off to The Commercial Hotel.
by sir_rushington March 19, 2017
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An action someone takes that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Can also be thought of as the opposite of a pet peeve.
"Usually it takes time. How do you keep on finding my love levers?"
by harris yeeter May 29, 2022
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Another name for a cockdick. beantree. Usually used when referring to a lesser being.
dude that kid's collar is popped. what a meat-lever.
by nutbag August 21, 2005
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When you have an erection and you squat down. Then someone grabs your member and pulls it down while you shit into a waffle cone.
Steve: You'll never believe what sarah and jamie did last night!
Adam: Did you use the soft serve lever?
Steve: You bet i did. There's a reason they call me Mr.Waffle Cone. They ate it all!
Adam: Wow...
by AT&T U-Verse September 26, 2015
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