
blunt for blunt meaning to light an L for another one in return.
"Light it :*"
"You light it :D"
"Lmaooo l4l ;)"
"Iight when?"
by CatInTheGreenHat April 2, 2010
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sb asks you L4L u have to like their post and u have to like theres/ return (if u want to tho) i dont know how to explain much..
Me: L4L
Them:*likes your post*
Me:*like on of there post"
by heaven she/her June 19, 2022
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L4L MEANS LOVE 4 life meaning love u 4 life even on bad terms or Anything
Ben- happy birthday Trina l4l even on bad terms . trina-Thank you Ben L4L ❤️
by Saniy June 7, 2023
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Canadian rock band best known for their brand of joke rock and skits in the 2000's. (The name refers to "Loblaws for Life" - where the members met and worked together)
Fred: Did you hear that L4L track "Burnin' Down"?

Ted: Yes, it was catchy, wasn't it?
by Johnny Hookup September 25, 2021
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Lifted for Life; a group that is an optamistic movment ; also refers to blunts, and pot.
Joe: Yerrrr, wanna smoke im rolling up a blunt?

Carl: Yeah, i just got done rolling one too!!

Joe: Well then lets go L4L.
by SPNUGGETS June 15, 2009
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Lauderdale 4 Life : Clothing Line, Urban Wear, Fort Lauderdale Fl
by Mr. L4L February 28, 2011
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Lesbians 4 Life. Not actual lesbians,but an exclusive group indicating the the independance of womanhood and celebrating in the unity of close female friendship. Also indicating that men are inferior, and your girls will get you through difficult times. There are some undefined qualifications that one must go through to join the group. Once acheived, you are welcomed to the group and given a white gold and yellow gold thumb ring to be worn on your left thumb.
He's just your babies daddy, you don't have to live with him anymore, L4L, girl. Love ya!

Also, there is a hand sign. Make an L with your left forefinger and thumb, then hold up 4 fingers, then repeat first step, in a quick action.
by Trae Trae August 11, 2007
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